In Corporate Interview employer is concerned about giving candidate Job in his Organisation who is equipped with proper qualification, positive attitude, and positive interest in the company, past work history with reasonable stability, purpose with the clear mind, pleasant communication skills, performance and result oriented. In career one has to attend an interview for the Job (or) commit to shift from one company to another company. This article provides guidelines which make the candidate successful at the corporate Interview and reach aims.


In words interview is defined was any purposeful inter personal communication between the two individuals

They are different types of interviews as they are
• Based on the category of information they are research, recruitment, promotion, behavioral, stress, and exit.

• Based on the category of problem- complaints, confrontations (clarifying when things go wrong), reprimands (finding fault and advising poor performance)

• Based on the professional- counseling, selling and corporate interviews


1. Candidate who wants to apply a job/before attending Interview in a company should collect Information about the company from the company websites.

2. Candidate should analyze about the required qualification before applying for the Job.

3. Candidate should know their strength and weakness and be prepared to face the questions with strength.

4. Candidate should develop an attitude to accept the mistakes at the Time of Interview and correct it.

5. Candidate should be dress property, should be confident companies look for the candidate who have confidence.

6. Candidate should not use Athar (or) perfume, should not drink Tea and coffee, should not smoke and drink alcohol which creates negative Impression on the mind of the Interviewer.

7. Candidate should present at the company before 5 - 10 minutes for Interview.

8. Candidate should wish the interviewer like good morning, good afternoon, Good evening (depends on the time) and Introduce yourself.

9. Candidate should speak clearly while introducing yourself, maintain proper eye contact, don't bend you in front of the Interviewer and don't act too smart.

10. Just to test the candidate the interviewer may ask questions which candidate can't answer with the intention to know that the candidate is genuine. If candidate is clear about the subject answer in right away. Candidate should not answer the questions which he / she can't answer.

11. Candidate should be clear to explain how he / she will solve the Job problems, company problems, how he / she reaches target lines, and How he / she communicate and co- Ordinate with other employees.

12. Candidate should be prepared to accept any feedback from the Interviewer.

13. Candidate commits to change from one company to another company to another company should keep in mind that candidate should not speak negatively about the past company.

14. Enter interview hall promptly

15. Don't get impatient or restless before you enter the interview room

16. Knock the door and wait until you get the answer to get in

17. Greet all the people inside the room

18. Don't sit down until they ask you to sit

19. If you are not asked for sit ,ask permission to sit politely may i sit down

20. Don't offer your hands shake unless it is offered by the interviewer

21. Don't drag the chair noisily

22. Put your briefcase down if small bag keep it on the lab

23. Don't put hands and elbows on the table

24. Sit promptly,push your body back of the chair

25. Restrict your hand movements.

About Author / Additional Info:
raghu yadaganti assistant professor @ viswam, 7396851966