A little advanced planning done at home for an upcoming trip abroad could provide the best opportunity for substantial savings on your travel plans. You are usually enticed into spending your money, rather than saving it, when you arrive at your destination. One way to save money on your trip is to deal with a travel agent who has valuable experience in getting the best prices. However, sometimes they are quite busy or careless, and might benefit from some suggestions you make. I am passing my money saving thoughts on to you so that you don't have to learn the hard way the things, that I learned the hardway.
To start, plan as far ahead of time as possible, and don't tie yourself down to specific dates until you actually have to make reservations. Staying as flexible as possible with your plans will put you in a better position to benefit from the wide fluctuations in travel fares. Should you be short on experience, it may be a good idea to think about traveling as part of a group. There are a couple of advantages here, including the usually reduced fares that groups pay and also the experience of your fellow group mates.
When your itinerary will include visiting multiple countries, keeping up with changes in currency may be difficult. There are banks that will offer pre-arranged sets of foreign currency you can purchase. Make a point to educate yourself in the various currencies before leaving; cash will be helpful for miscellaneous expenses abroad, such as lunches, tips, and taxis. Another great item to consider purchasing ahead of time is a currency converter.
Travelers can forget getting a private bath at their accommodations, if the goal is to save money. Often times you'll pay two or three times as much for a room with a private bath, so sacrificing this convenience can really save you money. Travelers don't have to worry about paying for breakfast in England, Scotland, and Ireland because breakfast usually comes with the room. Otherwise, the breakfast typically is continental; it costs a small additional amount, and provides you with coffee and pastries.
When discussing your trip with the travel agent, request a more streamlined package; while luxurious accommodations are nice, they will quickly erode any spending money you hoped to take with you. When traveling you can find several wonderful lodging options that are less expensive, are equipped with all the necessary amenities and are everything you would want.
Another thing to think about ahead of time is shopping. If you have an idea of the types of things you would like to purchase, let your agent know; they may be aware of shops that sell those items inexpensively. You will be able to locate duty-free shops virtually anywhere you travel; these shops offer near unbeatable prices. If you do make a lot of purchases at the tax free shops, you will be required to pay taxes when going through customs. Mailing your items back to the United States is a method many people use to avoid problems with customs officials. There is no limit to the number of packages that you can mail home. Whether you mail your purchases or carry them with you, be sure to have your receipts handy for customs if needed.
Keep in mind that you should plan in advance and do your research. It is really difficult to do too much advance preparation in anticipation of a trip abroad. If you already know the details of what you want to do, you will be better able to effectively plan. Always check with your travel agents to find out all of their money saving tips, especially when it comes to booking your hotel.
In conclusion, do not take any troubles with you on your trip. Although they may be waiting for you upon your return, they are truly not worth packing up and taking with you around the world.
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