Article marketing service provided by SEO companies is a backlink building and traffic generating device. For some it is a money-making method while for some others, it is an online reputation building technique. Article marketing is one of the promotional tools for the providers of SEO UK services. Place a link to your site in articles and then, channelize the articles across the World Wide Web through article directories to reap traffic, gain links and promote websites or their content. Basic benefits of article marketing -
* Higher PageRank
* Increased clicks
* Better ratings
* Online recognition
RSS feed is an article marketing tool. EzineArticles, Suite 101, ArticleBase, GoArticles, Helium, HubPages, Article Alley and Idea Marketers are the article sites having RSS feed. SEO companies follow several procedures to promote articles online. RSS submission is one of the procedures.
Submission of blogs and articles to RSS directories is a segment of the entire gamut to promote the object of the blogs and articles. It is a priority with the personnel doing SEO UK. It is a recommended way to build deep links to those blogs and articles, and thereby driving traffic to the target websites through the deep links. The number of RDD submission sites is over 250. Sort out the sites with high PageRank in Google and Alexa.
If you are curious to know the number of RSS feed subscriptions to your articles or blogs on a social bookmarking site, the SEO companies will let you know by means of using Feedburner. The tools will provide statistics on the number of subscribers to your articles or blogs. Some SEO personel add a link to the RSS feeds on your blogs and articles so that the readers can subscribe easily right from one of the articles or blogs.
One thing that SEO UK is particular about is the content of articles and blogs that are to be submitted to RSS submission directories. The number of subscribers to an article or blog depends solely on the quality of the article or blog. Only quality content fetches readers or visitors to subscribe for RSS feed on a particular blog or article. The content when it is informative, illustrative, grammatically perfect and properly formatted is said to be quality driven. Quality of article or blog content is a concern with SEO companies to increase the number of subscriptions.
RSS feed on an article or blog if optimized with a most relevant keyword is link-building measure. Optimizing the RSS feeds with the keywords found in the titles of quality articles or blogs is a part of SEO UK. There is a scope to get the optimized RSS feeds featured in the search results. Properly optimized RSS feeds are potential enough to promote keyword based rank of the website that the articles or blogs are focused on. Choose any of the reputable SEO companies offering article marketing services to boost the number of subscribers to your articles which are aimed at promoting your website.
About Author / Additional Info:
Robin Wilson is a UK based SEO UK who has good information on SEO companies. For more information he recommends to visit