Like a forlorn lover waiting for his girl
Long I waited for you and those like you
Gave up on you with no small grief
Took to other pastures none as green
Wanted to be with you my goddess
But you were always beyond my thoughts
Heard your anklets amidst the rustles
The pages made as I turned them over
Saw you in a flash during the lectures
Meant to enlighten my soul and mind
Got touched in my mind with fingers nimble
But lost it all when the dream was shattered
Jealous was I, bitter was my temper
Seeing those who were far ahead of me
Those who had already reached your shores
Sent back reports of your beauty and wealth
Burning the midnight oil, yearning for a glance
I peered into the darkness of my own ignorance
But Plato was wrong and the sages were right
Not knowing brought me no bliss at all
Like the Almighty you had no form or substance
They said I could see you everywhere I looked
Sitting in classrooms, reading those thick books
Mixing the solutions and reading the scales
There was never any leisure for me
I yearned for you, the soul of my desire
The words that I spoke left in my mouth
A sweetness which you had iced them with
You are the light that brightens my world
You are the angel that makes noise voice
I see you in everything, in nothingness too
Come into my heart, enrich my life
As the moonlight spreads a bed for me
And the Lethe within drowns me in sleep
I still wished for your presence, your smell
Your touch, your form and your voice
Earnest were my prayers, hard was my work
Sincere was my love, just was my cause
Parched tongue, withered hopes and battles long lost
Defined for me how hard it was to win you over
And then one day there came a man
A smile on his lips and a book in his hand
Along with him he had brought for me
A beauty more live than everything living
It dawned on me that the best thing to do
Was to form a rapport with the man who smiled
This I did and lo! at the speed of thought
The beauty was mine and I no more a beast
Time stood still and a thousand suns rose
Removing the darkness in my mind's horizons
Knowledge is not just power, but as Keats would have it
It is a thing of beauty and a joy forever and ever
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