It began in high school. I needed extra cash for partying drinking and other immature endeavors. Never did i know the extent to which my online adventure would grow! A good friend of mine introduced me to paid surveys. I was making $100 a week. I tried really hard setting up my own email address and pay pal account. Soon however I got bored! As i was searching the net for new ways to make cash, I stumbled upon Drop Shipping. It simple and risk free.
You simply...
1) Pick out an item from the dropshippers catalog (learn more at
2) List it on eBay for $2, with a Pic, De script ion and shipping cost
3) Make the auction sale
4) Buy the catalog item with the persons shipping info
This was great I started earning $300 a week! An it kept getting better. I learnt to make money with GDI a great domain host. I made a little bit of money taking pictures and writing articles. I profited with Google and eBooks. I even got my hand into MLM where I now profit with world travel.
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About Author / Additional Info:
I am an avid reader, skier, writer and web site owner