How many fruits and vegetables do you eat daily?

Did you know that raw fruits and vegetables are full of vitamins, minerals, enzymes? All these help in body regeneration. No other food compares with raw fruits and vegetables regarding their nutritional value and their power in diseases prevention.

Besides vitamins and minerals, fruits and vegetables contain natural sugar. So, you don't need that "bad" processed sugar which brings to your body diseases and weight gain.

Fruits and vegetables are the best food for our diet. It is essentially that our daily diet to consist at least 80% fresh and raw fruits and vegetables, so body will function normally. These natural products will favor a normal and ideal weight.

Fruits and vegetables juices are extremely important in our diet because they provide to our body the necessary substances for a proper functionality. What it is important to know about fruits or vegetables juices is that it's better to prepare juices in that day you will drink it, it is a condition of effectiveness. Do not ever keep juices more than 1 day. Also, don't remove fruits and vegetables peel and keep their pulp in your juice.

For example apple juice contains a lot of vitamins: A, B, C, and minerals and it is recommended in obesity due to its laxative effect; lemon juice is also recommended in obesity and have a lot of vitamins: A, B, C, PP and minerals, helping in body detoxification; spinach juice contains minerals, vitamins and is very effective in cleaning of entire digestive tract.

Fruits and vegetables are the main source of vitamin C, vitamin that plays a key role in maintaining health. 90% of vitamin C needs are provided by vegetables and fruits. The most known fruits and vegetables full of vitamin C are: lemon, parsley, spinach, citrus, cabbage, potatoes, strawberries, oranges, blueberries, blackberries, sweet peppers, radishes, grapes, lettuce and kiwi.

As you can see, fruits and vegetables are many "key" roles in maintaining a healthy life and weight. It is important to understand that is vital to eat raw fruit and vegetables. Attention! Raw fruits and vegetables, never boiled, never cooked or in combination with other food.

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