A general manager in a hotel is a very responsible person who is mainly involved in the regular and normal running of the hotel. The main reason for this post to be very important is that if the manager is not proper, then the functioning of the hotel will not be proper. This will lead to problems for the people who are clients and visit the hotel. As the number of people who are troubled by the lack of attention increases, the hotel will show a loss as the clients and guests will go on to better places where they have a lot of attention.
There are many important roles of a hotel general manager and the main ones are listed here:
1. Guest satisfaction:
The satisfaction of the clients or the guests who visit the hotel is the primary aim of the people who are working in the hotel and the general manager is the person who is responsible for all of this. The increase in the satisfaction of the people who visit the hotel will increase the number of patrons and this in turn will increase the profitability of the hotel. All this will be possible only if the hotel general manager is able to get everything that is in the hotel in order. The person need not do all the work, but as a manager, the individual has to make sure that the people who are under the person working as employees are able to complete their work according to the schedule.
2. Maintenance:
The maintenance of the hotel is very important for the hotel to become a favourite in the eyes of the guests. This maintenance should also be taken care of by the hotel general manager with the help of all the other people in the hotel. This maintenance includes the regular repair works that need to be taken care of, so that the guests are comfortable in the place of stay.
3. Education:
The best manager in a hotel will be the person who is able to get adequate education in the hospitality industry. There are many courses that the individual can complete to be an efficient administrator. This is important if the person is to successfully lead the hotel into profits. The basic education would be in the hospitality management industry. In spite of this, some of the managers in the hotels are just those who have completed their management education. There are many other managers who have a management degree in the hospitality industry and these people are the ones who are better than those who just have an education in management. Those who have a management degree in the hospitality industry will not only have management skills to get the employees to work, but they will also know much more about the industry to tackle any problems in the hotel.
4. Work experience:
The best hotels do not employ a person who is not part of the industry directly as a general manager. The person has to have worked in some of the other smaller hotels and should have been able to manage these hotels and get good results in these for them to be considered for appointment in the bigger hotels. This is the method that has to be followed by any person to try and become a hotel general manager.
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