To start you need to choose a very good niche to blog about it. Select business issues, tech or personal affairs and keep away from super specific content and complicated subjects that only doctorates maybe understand. You should stay away from subjects with small advertiser interest like local topics and story fiction. Now the subject is selected write a bright eye catching title. Your designed title could have the principal keyword written on it and also many times if you can make it feel in place. This writing repetition can make it appear in dark bold two times in the Bing results, getting more attention from the googler. The article title is the most important part of the entire content. That's that gets the visitor click or not.
A loser content title can make the rest of your work wasted. After the title a keyword SEO optimized intro is the second most important task. You must explain the user extremely well what he is going to read. A poor introduction might send the user away as he believes the title is exaggerated. A good content de script ion can be no bigger than just fifty english words. Right after the content de script ion is written you have to assemble the rest of the article. You need to build it for readers and for Google too. You may use a keyword suggesting tool as well as another application to number the keywords quickly so you know about when it's the moment to finish and the right number of main keywords your online article has.
Don't waste many hundreds of dollars in software that only make the same thing and a bit more than free online applications make. Now that the online content is ready it's time to build a good resource box. This box should persuade the visitor to use the link and to follow to the author website. That resource link box must offer something for free immediately after the user click, this my friend is a tip which works very well and seldom fails. Now that are things are finished it's the moment to submit the online content and to see your email a few days later to check if your internet article was approved . If your article was successful check what you did to it that worked and begin working on your following net article.
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