In this internet era, content writing for web sites has become a full time job for many people because of the need to make the websites prominent. Excellent content in the websites increase their prominence and the content becomes excellent if there are adequate keywords in the article. This makes the importance of the keyword in an article to be primary. It is not only important in an article that is submitted to various directories, but it is also very important for the content that is present in a web site.

What is a keyword?

Keyword as the name indicates is a word that is very important for that article. The word is usually used repeatedly in the article and search engines identify the prominence of these words and then return them high up in a search for that word by any internet user. Though there may be many words used in the article repeatedly, the word that is searched by people on the internet is generally considered to be the key word for that article.

Keyword density:

The number of times the key word is used in an article for every hundred words is the density of the keyword. If a particular word is used too many items in an article, then the search engines may not recognize the article because of 'keyword stuffing'. A keyword density of 2% to 4% would be optimal in making the content search engine optimized.

Many article submission directories are very concerned about the percentage of keywords that are in the article because an excess of the keywords in the article may make it to be ignored by the search engines as these can think that these articles do not have any content and are stuffed with key words in them.

Role played by keyword in an article

The importance of keywords in an article is as follows:

1. It helps to increase the search engine optimization of the website where the article is placed. Optimal; placement of the keyword in an article with the correct density of the word will help to make more targeted traffic to reach your site.

2. There is a huge amount of traffic that is generated to the site with the keyword rich article, which will help in monetizing the site and generating better returns for the webmaster. Articles that are written about a particular niche have niche keywords in them and this too will help to increase the web traffic to your site.

3. Keywords present in the article also help to make sure that the article is easily accessed by many people on the internet. This will help to make the writer and the website where it is published to become popular. In fact this has made many people to write keyword rich articles on their blogs to increase their page rank.

The importance of key words in an article should be known by every internet marketer and affiliate marketer to increase the traffic to their site.

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