It is the rule of nature that the person comes on the earth one day he/she will be die. Man is immortal. The person who die life is only end for that person. He take nothing with himself in grave except the good deeds he/she do in his /her life. But also the reaction of other people ion his/her death is also very important. Some people keep that person in his mind as a good person but some people have also a wrong attitude for his/her. People forgot that one day he will also be in this situation like his/her. People are so busy in their life they even forgot to do a little good deed to a needy person. Everyone wants to make more more money to make this mortal life very much beautiful, but the forgot to make the next life beautiful in which they lives after this life.
When somebody died his/her family members are very much sad. but the people comes on his/her death just fulfill the formality. They have no sadness on their faces. No one say that he/she never die the person who comes in this life one day he/she will definitely goes from this life, leaving their every relation. If the man have a right to go from this world he/she will never wants to go from this world. If no one goes from this world there will be one day so much crowd so that people not even found a little place to stand in this world.
It is good law of GOD to take people from this world, so that the remaining people becomes happy and found a peaceful place to live in this world. As we know every action has a reaction, so the people will comes on the world also goes from this world.
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