What was once a rumor has now been confirmed that McDonalds will be introducing its own brand of infant formula at locations across the country this April. Sources say that there will be two flavors available "McNugget" and "Big Mac" and plans to introduce more "lovely" flavors in the future.
An article found states that the, "McFormula offers babies a flavor filled meal so that they can enjoy the McDonald's experience like the rest of the family and mom and dad can feel confident that their child is receiving nutrition that meets all FDA guidelines."
Are you kidding me!!! Aren't we already a country that's struggling with childhood obesity? And who really trust the FDA's "guidelines" anyway? Aren't they the ones that have Okayed the already "poisonous" foods on the shelves? The FDA doesn't even require regular infant formula to list all of its active ingredients. So do you really think that our children's health and wellbeing is in their best interest?
Yeah it's said that parent groups didn't only raise eye brows but also major concerns about McDonalds attempting to start early on addicting there children to fast food. But I can only imagine that the parents who would even consider feeding their children this would not be worried first in addicting them and second in childhood obesity.
Although the FDA stated that they had some other major concerns with the flavorings and artificial coloring that McD's chose to add, eventually they were able to come up with some changes that where sufficient for the FDA.
The FDA also had one other demand before fully accepting the "poison" I mean formula and that was that the formula had to also be available in stores. I guess the FDA was attempting to show some heart by requiring it be sold in stores. The article stated, "The FDA would not allow the product to be sold only at McDonald's locations because parents would not have access to the same formula when away from a McDonald's restaurant. Trying to switch your child's formula can sometimes produce an upset stomach and a picky eater." I guess this was their idea of showing concern, of course they wouldn't want you switching up your child's formula not just for the sake of the child and their sensitive stomachs but I'm sure also for the sake of shall we say CASH!.
It's very clear that economically we are going through some rough times however does this make it ok for us to start our children off with unhealthy lifestyles, so they can turn into unhealthy adults? What do we do??
About Author / Additional Info:
Jazmine has followed many dreams in her time, coming from a single parent home of two other siblings she was the first to go and complete college where she graduating from Mount St. Mary's College with a Bachelor in Social Work. Although she started working with children at the early age of 10 she continued there after her graduation. Shortly after she decided to change lanes and follow another one of her dreams in helping and healing, and went to school for massage therapy at American Career College. With hopes of expanding her gift she sought out South West Institute of Healing Arts and is currently aspiring to become a Mind and Body Wellness Practitioner with emphasis on Holistic Nutrition.
Her goal is to help people live healthier vibrant lives, through the teachings of whole body wellness and nutrition.
** The content of this article are sole views of the author.