If you happen to finish medical school in the year 1955, then you will surely be able to get hold of marvelous opportunities and work in nice places with very handsome salary packages. But a graduate didn't get as lucky as the rest. Though he has a medical school diploma, he was unable to get a career with high stability and pay, but is very competitive instead.

Now, as its shine from being the golden profession has waned, doctors have less autonomy and the once sacred doctor patient relationship has been soiled due to managed care's supremacy in the market. Today, medical students find out where they'll be doing their postgraduate residencies. Matching day can be a day of celebration for those who end up at the hospitals of their choice. For the ones who aren't as fortunate this is simply a bad reality check on what awaits them.

According to surveys, the entire field of medicine is just too saturated. A journal by the American medical association found that more than 10 percent of doctors who specialize in a certain medical field can barely find work opportunities in their areas that are related to their field of study. A study conducted and funded by a firm recommends the closure of medical schools in the U.S due to the excess in physicians and for medical schools to accept medical enrollees 20 to 25 percent less.

In Boston, one medical center that also teaches hospital matter for a university has released a statement that they will eliminate many jobs and doctors along with it. A doctor who is a dean for a prestigious medical school states that back then, doctors did not face a situation like this. He adds that there were tons of positions available for those who wanted to pursue specific fields. For the years that have passed, many graduating medical students choose to get into the generalist fields like internal medicine, paediatrics or family practice for these have been in steady growth since 1990s or earlier.

The study undertaken by the national resident matching program found that people taking specialty fields like anesthesiology, pediatrics and radiology have lessened dramatically. For example, medical students who choose to go for anesthesiology have really dropped since. For the reason of few work opportunities available, a medical student in his senior year states that he is no longer eager to pursue studies in anaesthesiology. He adds that they are too saturated now. However, one female physician who sits on the board of the American medical association said that the reported surplus of physicians may not be true, particularly in rural parts of the country, like her own town of a few thousand residents where physicians are badly needed by the community.

This lady doctor also notes that they take a huge risk as many of their brightest young students no longer embark into the medical profession thanks of all these things they hear that turns them off even before they really verify if these are true or not. Amid this time of uncertainty, young doctors are optimistic perhaps spurred by TV shows with medical themes popularity among the masses that also encourage a high level of appreciation toward this field. Another female doctor finishes positively by saying that while they no longer make that kind of money and hold the autonomy they had before, she still states that this is the best profession in the world.

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