The people who are mostly concerned about breast cancer would be very eager and interested to learn the ways and means of being able to prevent breast cancer. Though there are certain factors to be worked on to keep ourselves away from the disease, one cannot do anything, if he or she is prone to ancestral transfer of breast cancer. But, the lifestyle of the person can be changed to reduce the risk of contracting breast cancer.

What steps can be followed to lower the breast cancer risk?
The women at higher risk of breast cancer can also reduce their risks by altering their lifestyle. Below are given certain factors which help the person to prevent breast cancer.

Several research studies have revealed that there is an association between breast cancer and smoking. This association is mostly observed in pre-menopausal women. Therefore, to prevent breast cancer and maintain overall health, avoiding smoking will help the person a long way.

Enhancing physical activity
A person by being active physically will be able to maintain the body weight, which aids in prevention of breast cancer. The world organization focusing on human and health services has suggested a moderate aerobic activity for a period of 150 minutes per week. The organization also suggests a 75 minutes of energetic aerobic activity per week along with training for gaining strength for at least two times in a week.

Ceasing to drink alcohol
Drinking alcohol frequently and consuming it in large quantities will increase the risk of breast cancer. It is necessary to limit the intake of alcohol including wine and beer to one peg per day to lower the incidence rate of breast cancer.

Weight management
The overweight or obese person has higher chances of getting prone to breast cancer. This exposure to breast cancer due to obesity is effective mostly in post-menopausal women.

Breast feeding
More protection from breast cancer can be experienced by the women through longer breastfeeding. So, breastfeeding seems to be playing a big role in the prevention of breast cancer.

Hormone therapy regulation
If the hormone therapy is taken for a period of three years to five years, there is a higher risk for the incidence of breast cancer as per the suggestions given by the experts. Most of the women take hormone therapy during the menopausal stage. It is better to discuss with the health care practitioner for any other options regarding the menopause treatment. Physical activity is also recommended as one of the non-hormonal therapies to control the menopausal symptoms. If the hormone therapy given for short periods is going to help the patient in managing the menopausal symptoms, then it is better to opt for it which might outweigh the risks of breast cancer. In this case, lower dosages are recommended, which will function well for the person.

Avoiding the influence of environmental pollution and radiation
The risk of breast cancer is higher in people who are exposed to high intensity radiations emanating from the computerized tomography medical imaging method. This technique involves large doses of radiation that can easily trigger breast cancer. These types of tests have to be chosen in very essential situations and avoid them when they are not absolutely essential. There are certain studies which find a relation between the chemicals and breast cancer. Not much of the research evidence is available for the association of gasoline fumes and vehicle exhausts with the people working in the concerned places.

Healthy diet
Generally, eating food rich in vegetables and fruits was not often shown to be beneficial for the prevention of breast cancer. There are a few studies which have shown that a diet low in fat was found to be helpful in reducing the breast cancer risk. Consuming healthy diet might be useful in decreasing the other cancer types along with the risk reduction for cardiovascular diseases and diabetes. The body weight can be maintained in a healthy manner, if a healthy diet is consumed. Healthy diet is beneficial in preventing breast cancer.

About Author / Additional Info:
I am an Indian author graduated in plant biotechnology.