1. In this paper, the authors aim to integrate wireless sensor network with cloud environment to aid in the storage and easier processing of data with the objective to compress the data through NN-filter.

The authors reviewed a lot of works related to overcome of storage limitations of sensors through compression algorithms, overcome of sensor energy consumption and found that still some problems are associated.

First, the in network data processing workload is more, which consumes much more network energy.
2nd, in network storage limitations.

Hence due to those shortcomings, there are always problems of storing huge amount of sensor data and more n/w energy may be consumed due to large amount of data processing works.
So in order to overcome those problems the authors proposed an architecture that reduces the sensor's power consumption as the major portion of data processing is done at the gateways and also, since the data is periodically updated in the cloud, the storage requirements of the gateway and the sensors will be minimal.

Neural network filters the data, which is also compressed before transmission. So the bandwidth requirement for transmission is less. The comparison of the size of the data collected in the different scenarios is enlisted in above table.

The collection of data from sensors to gateway without processing improves battery time.
As per my thoughtful view, the use of back propagation algorithm definitely reduces the size and volume of data with the increase of network longevity.

2. It mainly focused on barrier coverage using directional sensors with arbitrarily tunable orientations and in future work they will go for energy efficient solution.
The main idea of research is to construct barrier coverage by considering the relative position of visual sensor cameras. The construction of exact barrier path is a critical problem, which can be solved by using the dynamic programming approach. various barriers are to be constructed and detected through the algorithms . the dynamic approach and greedy approach may be suitable to achieve this.

3. Wireless body area network for health monitoring system needs the tradeoff between reliability, latency and power efficiency. The dynamic co-existence of multiple WBANs may results in severe performance degradations. A probability based analysis model can analyzes the effect of co-existences on operations of WBANs. It also mandatory to integrate a mechanism to IEEE 802.15.4 standard to resynchronize the sensors with the coordinators at the time of beacon loss, so that the timing of super frame would not be wasted. The various spy sensors may be used to monitor the critical condition of the patients. the ECG , EEG, Brain monitoring and motion monitoring system may be implemented to enhance the system.

4. In the context based multimedia search engine, the main focus is to set the image based search standards and strategies instead of using traditional keywords based searching. The appropriate ranking strategies should be developed which can be based on some graphics contents. The Google example can be suited to implement the context based multimedia search. some intelligent search mechanism may be implemented to enhance the performance of search engine.

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