Polycystic Ovarian disease is a condition that is very common in young women in the child bearing age. The fact that this condition can lead top infertility in women is a very tragic fact. This is one of the reasons women would be able to identify the symptoms early so that they can try to get adequate and appropriate treatment.

The various signs and symptoms of Polycystic Ovarian disease are as follows:

1. Menstrual cycle:

There can be a lot of changes in the menstrual cycle of women who are affected by Polycystic Ovarian disease. This is because of the presence of more than one egg in the ovary. The menstrual cycle can be irregular and also infrequent. Usually, there is a light period.

2. Absent periods:

There are times when the girl can have absent periods after a normal menstrual period. This should actually make the parent or the person to suspect Polycystic Ovarian disease.

3. Acne:

Though acne is a common feature in many women, acne in those women in whom it can actually exacerbate and get worse should also suspect this condition.

4. Male characteristics:

There are also many other signs and symptoms that can help you to initially suspect Polycystic Ovarian disease. These include a decrease in the size of the breast. Other than this, the development of male characteristics like the increase in the amount of hair on the body and also the deepening of the voice are the common features. Other than this, the woman can also have baldness that is similar to that in males. Other than this, enlargement of the clitoris has also been found to be a sign of Poly cystic Ovarian disease.

5. In women who are trying to start a family, infertility can also be seen as a symptom of Poly cystic Ovarian disease. There are many women who do not become pregnant because of Poly cystic Ovarian disease.

Treatment of Polycystic Ovarian disease

The most common methods of treating Poly cystic Ovarian disease is by the use of various medications. The medicines that are used to treat this condition are that birth control pills can be given. Other than this, drugs such as flutamide can also be given. Drugs to stimulate follicle stimulating hormone is also needed. Other than this, strong drugs to make the women fertile can also be given to increase the chances of the affected woman to get pregnant.
Complications of Polycystic Ovarian disease

There is a chance of the affected woman to get endometrial cancer. Infertility for life can be another complication of Polycystic Ovarian disease. There can also be associated diseases that occur in women who suffer from this condition and these associated diseases include increase in the blood pressure and also the occurrence of diabetes. Studies have also shown that the incidence of breast cancer increases in those with Poly cystic Ovarian disease.

In spite of all these complications, there is light at the end of the tunnel for most women, as they can get pregnant with some of the advanced treatment methods available.

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