People are accustomed to opting for killing the insect once news of pest outbreak is heard. But this has not really worked. Absolute extermination should have been achieved and no yearly insect killings should be planned if it worked. The less obvious but actual cause which is the farming system imbalance is often left out because of too much focus on the visible problems for pest control.
The technique of killing bugs with poison is not effective. While trying to figure the best way to deal with the root of infestation, it could help hold time for you. Tried and tested for forty years, it is prevent to be ineffective. Use of insecticide calls for more use one you start with it. Farms with a disrupted ecology become addicted to pesticides because all natural forms of pest control have been lost.
You might be asking why farmers did not cease using pesticides for pest control despite the public information on biological control for years. It is quite easy to figure out why. Some forty years ago, farmers decided that an eight per cent crop loss due to pest damage was too much. They strived to get new breeds of bug busters.
The timing and number of times spraying is done, plus its contents, have become weighty considerations. Miss one application and you got yourself a major disaster. The cost of a slight mistake made the experienced farmer apprehensive in making decisions on his own especially with regard to pest control. Enter the pest control advisor, provided free from the pesticide supplier. The pioneer for new and unconventional pesticide management was the integrated pest management which was in almost every farm.
An entire generation conceived a farmer to be someone who sprays, disks and irrigates. Even just a tweak in the tasks will cause a great confusion for the farmer if you do it abruptly. There should be fewer problems in converting to natural farming if the farmer were fully convinced of its effectivity.
Relying on invisible help does not work in the farm? So people would rather use 500 gallons of poison to spray on adversary that could or could not be there. To be truthful about it, pesticides are not that reliable.
A great variety of pesticides came beginning in the 1940s that you would expect a dramatically improved number of healthy fruits over the years. However, farmers continue to be snatched of about fifteen percent of their produce each year because of pests, said the USDA. We do not have this much when the chemicals are not part of our remedy yet.
It is economical, environment friendly and better sets the soils and improve fruit quality. Spray as little as possible, encourage habitat for beneficial insects, raise cover crops, and spread manure, compost or other organic wastes once in a while. Your expectation may be more complex than it actually is, although it does have some hard parts.
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