As you search anything directly on Google, can happen you go right to a so boring group of pages that might show to you all but words and then even more written letters. You can try to still your power of concentration but brain can't thank the black and white of all those pages hold!

To drill way more energy to your web content you could combine a bit pictures to it.

Countless web sites offer you many of them free, you just have to search them. One is Wiki Media Commons. All images is free to get. Just insert the image address and then choose the photo to be displayed small so it won't interfere with the reader's patience.

Another thing that people enjoy is the amount of links that great web articles has. Most pages published on Wiki pedia are super interactive because internet links direct the visitor to a coincident article, that very similar page to another one! You would love to stay on Wikipedia forever!

Finally ultra enjoyable content have little ads interfering with the visitor experience. It's better to add word ads other than much text or cold image advertisements and lots of webmasters brag much better results!

Word counting is also another super option of any text content. Too little information will make go the people away as a result of not enough text content. Yahoo also loves longer internet articles, take a look on and then see how |huge their content is. Generally reading, a bigger article shows more information to the searcher, shows off some of your expertise, give more food to Yahoo. The perfect letter amount for any article is dependent on the model of the subject, on your SEO goals and too on the layout of your own site. Content bigger than 800 or 900 words long could be splited in two or more parts, delivering a max of 900 words per article in the same page just like you read in some elite ranking article directories. Writing smaller text content fits very well for web sites with poems, world news, and very easy to read subjects.

About Author / Additional Info:
I am an online article writer. I live to write and I write to live.