People over the world are placed in different positions with different roles and responsibilities. They try to somehow work in order to meet some goals. For any organization to function as a whole under any ones leadership there needs to propped clarity of goals and job assignments. This, the manager has to do with much tactics. This requires the skill of the manager to delegate work so as to achieve them to the maximum extent. Any work if not delegated causes the manager and the employees to stress and confusion. Proper delegation lies in the hands of the manager or the administrator.
Delegation means transferring to a competent individual the authority to perform a selected task.
Delegator is the person assigning the task or the person making delegation and the Delegatee is the one who is receiving the delegation.
By delegating we assign responsibility, extend authority and, create accountability within the resource group. A very important thing to know in delegation is that this is not a system to reduce responsibility but the delegate receives adequate supervision, guidance, direction and evaluation. The delegator has to take an active role while delegating any task.
Principles of delegation:
Some of the principles that a delegator and the delegate needs to flow while delegating a task is to
• Communicate clearly and completely
Communicate the specific outcomes and the set targets to the delegate
• Be available:
Render help to the delegate and always be available for supervision and guidance
• Retain control:
Remember that you are the ultimate person in charge of the scene.
• Be a critical decision maker:
Know the complexity of task, problem solving methods and innovations that can be made.
Remember the 5 rights while delegating a task;
1. Right task
2. Right circumstance
3. Right person
4. Right direction
5. Right supervision
Reasons for delegation:
There are various reasons why we need to delegate a task
1. To assign routine tasks: Tasks which the manager does not have time can be delegated to the employees .for e.g. arranging for transport, writing invitations etc
2. It is a method of problem solving
3. It helps in building the capacity of the delegates
Purposes of Delegation:
1. It promotes internalized motivation: By delegating the employee feels motivated to do more and also work more for the organization
2. It provides for job enrichment: It helps the employer to be satisfied in his work
3. Cost saving: it helps to save money ,since the task has been distributed to others
4. Time savings: one person doing everything together is difficult, whereas in delegation one task is been divided and carried on by many employers which makes the task easier.
5. It helps in professional growth
Delegation process:
Delegation has to be done in a systematic way or else it can be haphazard. There are certain steps by which we go about delegation. They are:
1. Define the task
2. Decide on the delegate
3. Determine the task
4. Reach agreement
5. Monitor performances and provide feedback
Delegation requires skillful written and verbal communication. A delegator cannot abdicate responsibility and misuse it, since it can lead to serious problems. Thus delegation has to assign responsibility, extend authority and to create accountability. If delegation is not done in a proper manner it can lead to various difficulties such as duplication of work, under delegation where the delegator fails to delegate or share the work with his colleagues or reverse delegation if the manager fails to do his duty, the employee can do his job by assigning jobs to others. The last effect is over delegation where the manager loses control over the situation.
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