Tips To Solve Unseen Passage

Students have unnecessary fear in their minds regarding solving of unseen passage. There are many reasons for it but the common is that they are unable to understand what is the content and matter of unseen passage. They are not able to understand what does the passage deals about. So they are not in a condition of solving it. Even if they read the passage they do not understand it. But there is nothing like fear about it. It just needs a common understanding for it. It can be attempted with ease and comfort by reading it nicely.
In recent pattern of English paper we have seen and unseen passages to be answered by the student, it is seen that many students attempt seen passage or seen material with ease and comfort but when the question comes for outside or unseen material or passage then they tend to fear and often reproduce wrong answers for them which results in scoring less marks or grade. Actually there is not any question of fear for unseen passage or material. It is also like the seen passage. It is our pessimistic attitude that we have made before appearing for the English paper. The first and foremost thing is that be prepared mentally and physically before appearing for the English paper. Fear of God and not for paper. It is He who would lead you to the success. Than in order to solve the unseen passage one has to update his or her knowledge from time to time by either readings some new articles or newspaper or give some time for watching television for watching some informative, educational, sports, scientific or geographic channels to make up our mind to acquaint with new vocabs and glossary, terminology and so on. During the attempt of paper one should read twice or thrice unseen passage and try to guess what is the passage about. Once you get any clues or conclusion than do read the factual questions thoroughly and try to find the answers in the passage, do not write the answer as it is mentioned in the passage because the answers expected would be in your own views to test your knowledge. Factual questions are often from within the passage but applications questions are not or sometimes may be hidden inside the passage. A person has to read the passage and then come to the conclusion so as to what would be the answer of application question. It is to be remembered that application question are to be answered in his or own language with reference to the passage. Suppose if the unseen passage is based upon advertisement than an application question may be asked as which brand of soap do you use? Why? So a person has to write on his own about the brand of soap he or she uses at home and why and to give a specific reason for that. The answer may be soap of any brand because it is cheap, it has good fragrance, it has too much lather, it is big and good to use and so on. Depending upon the intelligence of a student a student can write why he is using that soap. Few good points may give out of marks for that question. Similarly unseen passage should not be left out factual questions are there within the passage and has to be found out if one finds difficult in finding the answers than it is simple that he should find some matching words from question to find it out in passage. Moreover unseen passage are also just like seen passages but they are not being taught so students finds it difficult but the content and matter of unseen passage is taken with the reference to students mental ability and thinking power. Unseen passage has the ability to develop thinking ability and lay stress on mind to think for a while to give a perfect concentration on certain things. Its happiness lies in solving it and attempting it rather than running away or leaving it.
May Almighty God bless us with Mercy to remove fear from English paper.
Mr. Liyakat Shah
The writer can be reached at

About Author / Additional Info:
A teacher by profession and loves to pen articles